See you in the square. Or anywhere you are.

The public square is a place where neighbors gather on equal footing to participate in the civic life of their community. It is where people come together and painstaking progress is achieved, through collaboration and consensus. Like many democratic traditions, community development achievements are often messy and nonlinear, but frequently inspiring.

Public Square Development Services was built to be a trusted collaborator and advisor to municipal agencies and nonprofits serving communities of all kind. It is our privilege to leverage the expertise developed in countless design, planning, and real estate projects across the nation for the benefit of our clients.

When we say “see you in the square” it is an expression of appreciation to be in community with you and a commitment to do our very best for your residents.

Please reach out if we might be of service.

Wayne Mortensen AIA, NASW

Public Square President Wayne Mortensen

Wayne Mortensen AIA, NASW

activator | ideation | futuristic | relator | belief

Wayne is a developer, planner, and licensed architect who resides in Lincoln, Nebraska. After initially preparing for a traditional career in architecture at the University of Nebraska, Wayne’s academic interests shifted to the emerging field of public interest design. His subsequent journey took him to DC, St Louis, and Cleveland before coming home in 2020 to explore affordable housing products and policy solutions that transcend the urban/rural divide.

In DC, Wayne oversaw the launch of a national service initiative called Freedom by Design as the ‘03-’04 President of the American Institute of Architecture Students. He subsequently returned to graduate school in 2004 at Washington University in St. Louis where he was the first student to achieve graduate degrees in architecture, urban design, and social work. Upon graduation, he leveraged that knowledge base on the WashU faculty as well as H3 Studio where he served as an urban design associate and outreach specialist for planning and urban design projects across the Midwest and South.

In 2010, he was awarded an Enterprise Rose Architectural Fellowship, which took him to Cleveland, Ohio. For nearly a decade, he helped facilitate citywide planning, housing, and redevelopment strategies as a pro bono consultant within the expansive community development ecosystem. His work there was recognized by the AIA with a 2020 Young Architect Award.

Months later, the Arlington, Nebraska native came home to lead the modernization of NeighborWorks Lincoln, including a team reset, community land trust launch, rental rehab program design, and scaling of the land acquisition and development pipeline. Wayne stepped away from NWL in 2024 to launch Public Square and investigate scaling and production techniques for affordable and mixed-income housing.

Brief Resume (Full Vitae HERE)
Public Square, President, 2024 -
Excel Development Group, Vice President, 2024 -
University of Nebraska, Critic + Lecturer, 2022 -
NeighborWorks Lincoln, CEO, 2020 - 2024
Cleveland Neighborhood Progress, Director, 2010 - 2020
H3 Studio, Associate, 2007 -2010
Washington University in St. Louis, Adjunct Professor, 2006 - 2010
AIAS, President, 2003 - 2004
Leo A Daly Company, 2002 - 2006

Licensed Architect (ARC1315967), State of Ohio
Licensed Architect (A-5695), State of Nebraska
Registered Lobbyist, Nebraska State Legislature
Graduate, Leadership Lincoln, Executives 33
Graduate, Groundwater Phase 1 Training

Frequent Collaborators

Meaningful work with thoughtful partners committed to lasting change.

Our Core Values


Respect for all (by all) through dialogue, engagement, and the influencing of places and programs that we interface with to create generative systems and projects that do not exploit or stigmatize.


The work is hard but also inspiring and even joyful when we remember to celebrate the milestones and moments of collaboration and achievement by diverse stakeholders from all walks of life.


Today’s challenges will not be conquered with yesterday’s solutions. Developing unique and nuanced approaches, grounded in people and place, is fundamental to realizing sustainable change.


We weigh competing priorities and opportunities by those that will allow us to do all the good we can in all the ways we can in all the places we can for all the people we can for as long as we can.