[Ds] Development Services and Owner’s Rep

  • It all starts with land. Without an accommodating site, there is no project! Therefore, the ability to effectively (and efficiently) assess and compare sites is fundamental to any go/no-go decision making process. Considerations include soil suitability, solar and wind exposure, a plot’s geometric shape and layout, pedestrian and vehicular circulation, environmental considerations, potential zoning hurdles, and likely massing of the potential project.

  • Nothing great is achieved in real estate without the resources to build and sustainably operate. To ensure success, financial considerations should be integrated into every project milestone. Early on in a project, ballpark financial take-offs from conceptual or schematic plans can establish project scale and financing objectives. Later on, detailed construction budgets and operating pro forma are essential to decision making and the assembly of capital stacks and any necessary fundraising. Public Square has experience with these various tools and is keenly able to deploy them as necessary to ensure project feasibility and success.

  • From consultant selection to developer recruitment, Public Square helps its partners tee projects up for success, including assembly of skilled implementation teams. This can often take the form of an RFP/RFQ process in which an entity that owns/controls a site publicly publishes the opportunity to solicit interest from developers interested in doing the project. This can be an effective way for a local government or nonprofit to ensure that project goals and values are achieved without taking on significant financial or reputational risk. Consultant selection, interviewing, and team facilitation are also part of the services provided, here.

  • Working collaboratively within consulting teams to represent the needs and goals of the owner from design development through occupancy is at the heart of any good owner’s representation arrangement. Same goes for construction administration where issues and opportunities arise that challenge the design, quality, and impact goals of a given project. Having a team you can trust throughout this stage of implementation increases peace of mind and likelihood of success.

Predevelopment is the most precious stage of any project. It is where good projects are realized and exceptional ones take root while others are never heard from again. It all usually takes place after site control is achieved and consultants are billable, but before formal approvals and financing are in hand. In other words, when the entirety of a project weighs on the vision—and courage—of the developer. Even after construction has begun, a steady hand is required to ensure that the best parts of the vision are realized faithfully and within the constraints of the owner/group.

It is this delicate balance that ensures success and it is why development services are so important to Public Square.