Authoring Sustainable and Vibrant Growth Tools
Transportation + Growth Management Regulatory Plan | 18 months | 2008-2009
Alliance of Edwardsville & Glen Carbon
Madison County, Illinois
City of Troy, Illinois -
H3 Studio
Process funded by Madison County, Illinois.
Project manager, planning lead, regulatory author, urban design and visual assistance
38°46'17.6"N 89°54'06.0"W
(I-55 Corridor, Madison County, Illinois)
Madison County (Illinois) officials expect the Edwardsville/Glen Carbon area to grow rapidly over the next few decades. This is due to many factors, including developable land, logistics access via the I-55 corridor, and proximity to major civic (City of Saint Louis) and institutional (Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville) resources. Collectively, community leaders wanted to ensure that balanced and orderly growth initiatives and development policies were put in place to reduce traffic congestion, preserve open space, and minimize infrastructure costs assessed to local residents. The resulting vision proposed a progressive white collar office community and bedroom community that combined smart growth and new urban planning principals to facilitate a creative mixed-use community that balances jobs, housing, transportation, and commercial and retail development with green infrastructure. These growth parameters are responsive to contemporary economic development and environmental sustainability concerns while empowering existing residents to determine the preferred character of the resulting place.
“…over the 18 months that I have been here in Edwardsville, you have become a friendly face and trusted colleague on the I-55 Corridor Project. As we carry on, do know that I appreciated the great efforts you have made here.” Scott Hanson, City Planner, Edwardsville, Illinois
“Enjoyed and learned from our time together on the Edwardsville-Glen Carbon project. Always a pleasure working with a competent and perceptive professional.” Robert Koepke, Professor Emeritus, SIUE
The regulatory approach developed a realistic, flexible, and unified development regulatory code for the Madison County I-55 Corridor Transportation and Growth Management Plan that is easy to understand and use in order to facilitate future development as outlined in the plan. Key development principles included:
Stormwater management should be integrated into a comprehensive, green infrastructure system that connects streams, parks, trails and open space.
Drainage ways (streams) and fragile land (erodible soil or steep grades) should be protected from new development.
New development should manage stormwater onsite to minimize run-off.
New residential development should be done in an ecologically sound manner and have a low environmental impact.
New roads and streets should be interconnected, landscaped, have sidewalks and be able to accommodate different transportation choices.
New communities should be walkable.
To accommodate walkability, mixed-use development should be utilized to provide convenient retail access to residents.
Building design and construction should be environmentally responsible & comply with sustainability standards.
Character Framework HERE
Regulatory Framework HERE
Project completed with H3 Studio
Corridor Protected Lands
Smart Growth Corridor Plan
Public Meeting
Public Meeting
Visual Preference Survey
Corridor Plan
Focus Area Plan
Focus Area Zoning
Land Uses by District
Land Uses by Lot Type
Lot Types by District
Structure Placement
Character Framework
Character Framework