[Re] Real Estate Development Services Menu

  • From extremely low income households making less than 30% of an area’s median income (AMI) to households on the edges of the middle (120% AMI) and working (150% AMI) classes, affordable housing has become fundamental to any community’s progress and sustainability. Unfortunately, as the need for affordable housing has accelerated its means and methods have begun to specialize to a point that standard architectural, development, management, and accounting services are rarely sufficient to successfully implement a project. Having experts in the typology (and likely funding sources) from the earliest parts of the project is the best way to ensure success.

  • Communities are socially sustainable and economically competitive when they provide an array of housing options for economically-integrated communities. Historically, “mixed-income” housing has meant neighborhoods combining lower- and working class families, but that is beginning to change with new techniques and funding programs. Public Square knows how to assemble and execute cross subsidized projects and economically integrated communities.

  • The common thread between nearly every vibrant neighborhood (or district) is a combination of uses, including housing, supportive retail, entertainment, equitable transportation and recreation, and employment and education opportunities. Often called the “fifteen minute city” such a goal is a multidimensional strategy that entails planning, politics, economic development, institutional partnership, real estate development, and commerce. Public Square has deep experience in creating more sustainable and resilient places to live, work, and play.

  • Great public spaces require a champion. Usually, this is a funder or political entity with a long-held vision for a stagnant or depressed area—the realization of which combines economic development with urban design, landscape, and wayfinding to create memorable and successful places worth visiting.

Successful real estate development in the public realm is the ultimate manifestation of a community's aspiration within the practical limits of a given market—a semipermanent attempt to tangibly improve a place for its people. Behind the scenes, a development project is a nuanced problem to be solved with solution(s) that address the unique combination of physical, environmental, demographic, political, and financial realities. A completed development is a victory over inertia and often over long odds.

Public Square loves real estate projects.