[Sp] Strategy + Policy + Program Development

  • Deep emcee and lecture experience for meetings, panels, and community dialogues. A secret to successful design and planning projects is the orchestration of the meetings themselves. Meaningful engagement increases buy-in, improves culture, and achieves more desirable outcomes.

  • The heart of any mission-driven organization is a strategic plan that is simultaneously bold and practical. The process utilized to create the plan is often as important as the final product because it establishes roles and responsibilities and facilitates buy-in with the vision itself. Public Square team members have participated in countless strategic visioning exercises and have a keen understanding of how to co-design these processes to ensure success.

  • Working closely with policy makers and elected leaders to author and amend policies is a core tenet of systems change. This work often includes stakeholder dialogues, goal definition, policy authorship, and advocacy. A complement to this is the administration of programs that work effectively within existing policy and funding arrangements to efficiently and effectively leverage resources and organizational capacity for public benefit. Public Square has the experience to help partners on both ends of this spectrum.

Organizations that prepare and act strategically are more likely to advance their mission. This begins with the simple act of coming together in collaborative and accountable ways and continues with assigning narratives and strategies to what the stakeholders wish to see manifest. The work concludes with the development of impactful programs and direct advocacy to expedite progress and ensure more equitable outcomes.

Public Square has led and participated in dozens of these processes. We believe so strongly in them that we offer our assistance to lead them.