Civic Renaissance in New Orleans Community

OC Haley Entryway (northeast)
  • Development Framework and Urban Design Plan for Central City New Orleans
    Public Planning Process | 10 months | 2008-10

    Client(s): Central City Renaissance Alliance, OC Haley Merchants Association and Mainstreet Initiative

  • H3 Studio

  • Made possible with financial support from the New Orleans Community Support Foundation, in partnership with the Greater New Orleans Foundation

  • Project manager, outreach and engagement specialist, district planning lead, urban design assistance, and implementation strategy authorship.

  • 29°56'32.0"N 90°04'42.5"W
    (Central City, New Orleans, Louisiana)

The objective of this study was to build upon the momentum established in the Unified New Orleans Plan (UNOP) process to create a development framework plan that outlined a contextually specific and economically viable strategy for community recovery. Additionally, planners were tasked with the creation of an urban design plan for a specific neighborhood focus area, which was later determined to be OC Haley Boulevard. The community chose to concentrate on the immense possibilities of the Oretha Castle Haley Boulevard/Dryades Street corridor specifically because of its role in the civil rights movement in New Orleans. During Jim Crow, Dryades was the only retail district in the city that allowed shoppers of all backgrounds and races to try on clothes prior to purchase. It was also the location of the Dryades YMCA (1905), the first Carnegie library west of the Mississippi, and the Myrtle Banks Elementary school, where many prominent civil rights meetings were held. In 1989, the corridor was renamed for Oretha Castle Haley, a prominent local activist and founding member of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE).

The framework’s phased implementation strategy was designed to weave existing assets together to form a connective community framework for future investment by utilizing the social capital of the alliance through partnerships with private developers and civic entities, and a minimal outlay of capital resources. The premise of the strategy was the necessity to build upon the existing community strengths—from current and proposed development to organizational strength and community commitment—to accomplish lasting revitalization. The community also came together to develop a dynamic vision for their central corridor, stating that their vision for OC Haley Boulevard is, “…that of a nationally significant cultural arts corridor that builds upon its African American history and emerging Latin culture to become the Central City destination for community gatherings, progressive cultural dialogue and daily life.”

“Your contribution to this special place will be evidenced for all the generations that follow. I can’t articulate how grateful I am for the way you showed patience and respect with me and my neighbors; how you poured out your imagination and creativity and put meat on the bones of our dreams. You came to us at our worst when we were fragile and in many ways broke and left us better.” Saundra Reed, Central City Resident Leader

See the full report HERE
Project completed with H3 Studio


Community Catalyst