Envisioning a Cultural Catalyst in North Omaha

Festival Square Aerial
  • North Omaha Village Revitalization Plan
    Public Planning Process | 14 months | 2019-21

  • Alley Poyner Macchietto Architecture, architectural design + strategy
    Development Strategies, market analysis + pro forma
    H3 Studio, Lead, planning + engagement + implementation
    Leo A Daly, infrastructure planning + civil engineering

  • Process funded with the generous support of the Nebraska Investment Finance Authority, in partnership with the Alliance for Building Communities and the Omaha Empowerment Network

  • Team assembly, project manager, outreach and engagement specialist, district planning lead, urban design and architectural assistance, and development strategy authorship.

  • 41°16'53.4"N 95°56'49.3"W
    (North Omaha, Omaha, Nebraska)

The objective of this study was to build upon momentum of a recent City Master Plan to create a neighborhood-specific strategy that would catalyze investment and equitable community development. The resulting plan reflects the aspirations of those that initiated and helped facilitate the process, including the Alliance for Building Communities, the Nebraska Investment Finance Authority, the City of Omaha, Omaha Housing Authority, the Empowerment Network, and countless residents and stakeholders of North Omaha that participated throughout.

Project deliverables included detailed existing conditions analysis, a district framework and land use plan, target area plans, architectural renderings of proposed housing and cultural amenities, and a detailed implementation strategy that included basic development pro forma and financing techniques. The extensive engagement and outreach process developed ample political capital for an array of mixed-use development activities that continue today as Seventy Five North.

“I (and all involved) have very much appreciated your commitment, professionalism, passion, and creative expertise…my sense is that the community is making significant ‘foundational’ strides towards returning to…what it once was. Your efforts and contributions to that process with change people’s lives. Thank you!” Ted Simpson, NIFA

See the final report HERE
Project completed with H3 Studio


Civil Rights Renaissance


Cycle Realm